09/01 12:37
Orc activity near Thais reported! Beware!
09/01 04:09
Run! Empowered Warlocks sighted east of Edron! There seems to be a very unholy gathering!
09/01 04:08
More monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. Something terrible is going to happen!
09/01 04:07
Some monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. They seem to be up to something.
09/01 02:40
The gates of Venore are under attack!
09/01 02:37
Elves have surrounded Venore!
09/01 02:34
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
09/01 01:01
Slowly but steady, the population of tortoises grows near Liberty Bay.
09/01 00:40
More heroes needed to save Ankrahmun from the fire!
09/01 00:35
Dragons are invading Ankrahmun! Fire everywhere!
09/01 00:30
Dragon fire has been seen nearing the city of Ankrahmun! Flee the city at once!
08/01 23:59
Pillage and plunder! Pirates have been sighted north of Darashia!
08/01 19:22
Zomba, the king of lions is roaming the Darashia desert!
08/01 19:21
Even more lions west of Darashia!
08/01 19:20
There are more lions than usual west of Darashia.