14/12 11:04
Raiders are attacking Svargrond!
14/12 11:04
Some invaders might try to access Svargrond via the ice to the south west.
14/12 11:04
Scouts report a barbarian army gathering near Svargrond.
14/12 10:02
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
14/12 10:02
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
14/12 08:46
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
14/12 06:42
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
14/12 05:12
Minotaurs are advancing to Darashia from the north!
14/12 05:11
Minotaurs are gathering in overwhelming numbers north of Darashia!
14/12 05:09
Rival minotaurs are preparing an attack on the minotaur pyramid in Darashia!
14/12 03:05
Giant Cobras overflow inside of Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
14/12 03:05
There's something sizzling in the Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb.
13/12 23:59
The priestesses in Drefia are preparing a black celebration.
13/12 20:32
More soldiers are needed to help save Venore!
13/12 20:27
Venore is under attack! Get somewhere safe!